Keto Butter Chicken

Keto Butter Chicken

Keto Butter Chicken & Cauli Rice: A Delightful Keto Feast

Spice up your cooking with a delightful, keto-friendly meal that's as nutritious as it is delicious. Our Keto Butter Chicken & Cauliflower Rice recipe is perfect for anyone following a ketogenic lifestyle or just looking for a healthier dinner option that doesn't skimp on flavour. This simple yet savoury dish will leave you satisfied without any carb guilt!

- Chicken Breast (500g)**: Start with browned, tender chicken breast to ensure every bite is as flavorful as it is healthy.
- The Keto Food Co Butter Chicken Simmer Sauce Powder (2 scoops)**: With only 1.4g net carbs per serve, this sauce adds all the creamy, aromatic goodness you crave in a butter chicken without the carbs.
- Cream (240ml)**: Adds richness and smoothness to the sauce, making it utterly irresistible.

Cooking Instructions:
1. Simmer Everything: Combine the chicken breast, cream, and simmer sauce powder in a pot. Let it simmer for 5-10 minutes stirring regularly until the chicken is cooked through and the sauce thickens to perfection.

 For the Side - Keto Cauli Rice:
- Cauliflower Rice (500g)**: A fantastic low-carb substitute for traditional rice, making your meal hearty yet low in carbs.
- Hemp Hearts (30 grams)**: Stir these into your cauli rice for an added nutty flavour and a boost of healthy fats and proteins.
- Olive Oil: Use to fry the cauli rice until it’s just beginning to brown, enhancing its texture and flavour.

Plate the butter chicken alongside your flavourful cauli rice. The combination of spicy and creamy chicken with the light, nutty cauli rice makes for a balanced keto meal.

Nutritional Information:
Each serving of this dish comes packed with flavour and nutrients, while keeping the net carbs low at approximately 5 grams per serve.

Enjoy this keto-friendly feast that not only satisfies your taste buds but also aligns perfectly with your health goals. It’s a testament to how a ketogenic diet doesn’t mean sacrificing taste for nutrition. Cook this up for a family dinner, or save it for your weekly meal prep; it’s guaranteed to delight!

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